Debate: anarcho-pragmatism and Hobbes

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In the Hobbes concept; "mostly humans have teenagers mentality" elaborated during Illustration period, individuals cannot complete decide about collective evolution so they are substituted by a dictatorship of an intellectual elite.

In the anarcho-pragmatism; "mostly humans have teenagers mentality" but almost until they reach (is not a perpetual condene) some level of education (as individual and as collective), so this is not a static value and can be refused after apply some policies.

Also participants have the right to decide about the consecuences of their voluntary and involuntary actions.

For example, a method proposed by anarcho-pragmatism for some problems resolution is to give (temporal or not) empowerment to other humans or technologies (for example, an AI) in order to decide.

Finally, participants can entirely refuse (only as a voluntary action) to their right to participate and let to others (humans or technology) to organize them as a collective, which is what Hobbes concept describes and is also supported by anarcho-pragmatism.