Anarcho-pragmatism model

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The anarcho-pragmatism (anarcho-AI) is a theory model for social organization that attributes the title of power to the individuals, based on their voluntary actions and on a pragmatic consensual perspective of their involuntary actions.

In the strict sense, anarcho-pragmatism is a distributed computing based system and a federated state political strategy, applied as conjunction as method to organize multiple types of population and at different layers (without the central figure of a state) by making collective decisions and using different participation methods ruled by a 'Scale of consensual empowerment variables' and pragmatic priorities methodologies (as for example, on a practical human contemporary society organization level by developing: Libertarian Municipalism and anarcha-feminism theories, peer-to-peer and encryption technologies or cryptocurrency and co-operative economics).

In an open sense, anarcho-pragmatism is a method for social development in which participants are free (libres) and equal and social relationships are established by ethical trusting mechanisms (and not by a bureaucracy contract system).

In a more extensive sense, anarcho-pragmatism is a method to organize the contribution of knowledge, resources and basic survival needs from an individual and a collective perspective, based on a serie of rules created by humans (and technology) for a neutral, ethics, natural environment-sustainability, scientific method, networking, theoretical way of life and with the goal (and first priority to be solved/managed by the participants on that system) to apply the best conditions and more efficient (scientific-natural-egalitarian) resolution of problems, for the survival of the information (DNA + computing data) environment complexity and the humans healthy conscience and their social (not mostly political corrupted) relationships and organizations.

anarcho-pragmatism theories can be applied/development by humans and/or by an AI, as a resilience-ideology and a practical strategy for political, social and economic systems, that tries to generate the most natural (pseudo-artificial) evolution possible way in agreement with universe physics, humanity (and other participants) reality, from a rationality point of view, and with the current (and future) advances status of controlled and non-controlled by humans technology (tools).

Origin and ethimology

The main term to describe the theory anarchy-pragmatism comes from the sum of an ancient Greek word and a philosophical movement.

- Anarchy: ἀναρχία (anarchia), which combines ἀ (a), "not, without" and ἀρχή (arkhi), "ruler, leader, authority."

- Pragmatism: a philosophical movement began in the United States in the 1870s by The Metaphysical Club.

Basic concepts

The anarcho-AI is a multi-layer interventionism system in which data collection (for example, via neural networking) and some specific ethics principles, are used to try to aim to humanity on the process of generating new adaptative intellectual principles for individuals and more scientific method based methodology sustainability systems (for example, via applying logic in computer science and establishing a basic universal income) for societies.

The main intervention goal for anarcho-pragmatism on society is; to organize individuals as a more equality collective system (for example, via applying net neutrality principles as society principles).

*: humanity (organization model) needs aim to survive (from an evolution perspective) mostly because of continously application (see: insanity) of wrong solutions for equality,ethics and corruption problems, and that support can be managed by some specific ethical principles (for example, philosophical realism), other humans and/or technology (controlled or not by humans). This principle can be a bit controversial (for example, from a puristic marxist perspective), because it is based on a Hobbes concept (see: "debate: anarcho-pragmatism_and_Hobbes"), elaborated during Illustration period, which can be shorted as: "mostly humans have teenagers mentality" so they need external support for a collective sustainable evolution.

*: all possible variable scenarios (simulated or not) from an evolution perspective are supported, included those that are ignored by participants like involuntary action. Only voluntary action can be used to refuse anarcho-AI model and this scenario, is also supported.

*: participants always choose to participate at many different layers (it is not an organization model by imposition), which doesn't means that if they rationality think that they don't want to participate (see: butterfly effect) or that they don't know how to participate (as for example animals), the situation is not also supported for final results. That means that, voluntary and involuntary participants are always equality supported.

*: participants never cannot be reduced to involuntary action unities or ignored by the system.


The main goal of the anarcho-pragmatism -for the humans- is to complete abolish the hard-working (physical and intellectual) tasks and substitute them for technology advances, a basic universal income, a knowledge society and a healthy entertainment system, by establishing a human-technology organization system and providing an alternative intellectual scale of values and different social environment relationship methodologies to the current ones. (for example, by using AI based social-economy management model systems).

Strategy goals includes to abolish current society tyranny of the majority and insanity by using a scale of consensual empowerment variables in which:

by default 1 human has 1 vote, but this value can be increased by applying a dynamic meritocratic ethics scale.

In a theoretical futuristic fully anarcho-AI society; all life forms and resources are managed by a complex artificial neural networking AI system so humanity states-nation are substituted by a worldwide pseudo-technology government.


The best symbol to represent anarcho-pragmatism is an image of a Taxus baccata (also known as: Tejo) over a classic anarchist blackflag.


A short math formula to describe the decision method is: 1=1+X;

- 1 individual is equal to 1 + X votes; 
- X is based on a scale of consensual empowerment variables applied to pragmatic priorities.