More info: Anarcho-pragmatism model
Also shorted as: anarcho-AI
anarcho-AI is the best short term to define Anarcho-pragmatism model because can be understood like a common sense*AI that acts without hierarchy based on rationality, which is applied like logic in computer science to development a social organization methodology and with the unique goal to support to humanity with global-local problems resolution.
This can be described from a futuristic perspective as for example; an action/reaction intellectual culture and a serie of pragmatic facts and command tactics, of/from a neutral, non-hierarchy, artificial neural networking, AI, making and executing decisions based on best efficient 'big-data' point of view requested reply and sub-extracting a system of human values from an universal suffrage and ethics system, at same time based on a model of survival priorities in which any response contemplates all possible computer processing simulated scenarios results for the individual and the collective.
Also tagged as:
anarcho-AI, anarcho-pragmatist, anarcho-pragmatism school, concrete-anarchy, anarcho-scientist, anarcho-ecotech, anarcho-cyboring, in-voluntary-despotism, anarcho-sciencecracy...