Participate on movement

From Anarcho-Pragmatism School
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How to join

You should understand this first step as a method to establish new relationships with individuals and collectives that you don't know so a good starting point is try to be as honest as possible.

You can start by sending a short presentation about yourself (don't expect any reply to this first email).

It can be anonymous, almost if you show some facts made by your hidden identities or any profile on a free social networking site to be publicly checked.

Main languages used are spanish and english, but you can express yourself with others.

We respect the use of the netiquette [RFC1855].

Remember to attach your GPG public key to your presentation email and to sign any message send to the mailing list with that key.

Also that, emails from lucrative sources are automatically rejected.

If you agree with that, you can join for free our global mailing list.